A Kentucky school principal, who became infamous for his efforts to ban books with...
“Why should my civil rights be dictated by your interpretation of the Bible you choose to believe in? #atheist ”
Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s new president, is a dangerous Christian fascist who promises to remake Brazil into a Christian theocracy.
Still my fave comedy,
I was just thinking about this racist Mormon cartoon that talks about where Black people come from...
The Mormon Church had revised scriptures that were previously used to justify a ban on Black men (Black folks in general but sexism+racism played a part too) serving within the church. But only because the IRS was threatening to take away their tax exemption status. ...read more
This was a bizarre damn month, but something good will come of it.▼DARKMATTER2525▼►MERCH - myspreadshop ►PATREON - patreon ►YOUTUBE MEMBERSHIP - youtube ►MERCH - myspreadshop ►SUBSCRIBESTAR - subscribestar channel relies on independent support from people like you. I greatly appreciate that youve enabled me to do this, and I shall endeavor to remain worthy of your support. Thank you!▼PLAYLISTS▼►COURTROOM DRAMAS - youtube ...read more
photo by @bigdawgsocialism • Nov 5, 2023 at 7:14 AM
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