If you could reason with a Republican, they wouldn't be a Republican.
Do you think maybe god sent scientists to educate your dumb ass?
This is why we can't have nice things.
This is why the world is on fire because of morons just like this.
This is why the believers are such a terrible problem right here.
You think your imaginary friend is going to suddenly show up and do something and that's exactly why we are in the environmental mess that we are in right now.

FROM: facebook
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If you could reason with a Republican, they wouldn't be a Republican. Do you think maybe god sent scientists to educate your dumb ass? This is why we can't have nice things. This is why the world is on fire because of morons just like this. This is why the believers are such a terrible problem right here. You think your imaginary friend is going to suddenly show up and do something and that's exactly why we are in the environmental mess that we are in right now.  FROM: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=188255195518123