Dear body of mine, ⁣

I promise to hold you ⁣
I promise to cherish you ⁣
I promise not to take you for granted ⁣
I promise to love you ⁣

I’m sorry I get angry at you⁣
I know it’s not your fault ⁣
The chronic pain ⁣
Autoimmune diseases ⁣
Immune compromised ⁣
I know it’s not your fault ⁣

Every day you fight for me ⁣
As I fight for you ⁣

I know you love the incredible ⁣
Healthy ⁣
Empowering days as much as I do ⁣

I know you wish you were “normal” ⁣
That you functioned “correctly” ⁣

Our normal isn’t easy ⁣
It’s hard af ⁣
There are days we both want to give up⁣

But then we remember what we are fighting for⁣

We rest ⁣
We listen ⁣
And do our best to be patient ⁣

I’m sorry for getting angry at you ⁣
Blaming you ⁣

Though maybe you’re also angry at me... ⁣
For not having the answers ⁣
For not fighting for you from the very beginning⁣
For things I do unintentionally, unknowingly that hurt you ⁣

I promise to keep searching for answers ⁣
I promise to continue to fight for you ⁣
I promise I will never give up on you ⁣

We fought the odds against us staying disabled ⁣
We fought the odds for us to live independently ⁣
We fought the odds that my diseases & chronic pain would control every aspect of my life. ⁣

We have fought so many odds ⁣
And we will continue to do so⁣

Who ever would have thought we would go from being bed ridden, disabled & just trying to survive another day to days where we thrive. Days where we aren’t just alive but are living and loving life. ⁣

The love of being alive ⁣

We have come so far my beautiful and strong body. There may always be battles we have to fight. We may never be “normal”. But I’m with you on this journey. Loving and supporting you with all my heart. ⁣

With our journey we will help others make it through too. To live lives they love. We will be an advocate for all our fellow warriors. Until the day we find answers. ⁣

One day, one moment, one breath at a time. ⁣

🤍⁣ @taylor_munholland more