This is the reality!

You'll have good days
You'll have bad days

But ALWAYS pushing through it is what will give you the success you've been looking for in any situation!

As someone who has started a business last year, I've been going through a lot of changes!

Realizing it's ok to have a break down here and there but not letting it hold from your goals or your potential!

Yes, you!

#healing #heal #breakdown #journey #mindset #selfemployed
#life #goals #dream #canada #discover

@justinaamurray more


      Can't get rid of me

      Lost my phone for 3 weeks - And it was honestly so nice (super annoying.. but nice) ..

      Being your own boss that works directly from your own cellphone, or even just being a human being in 2022…it can be hard to remember to just take a break from social media and hours and hours if screen time a day. It's so normal to constantly be an your phone allday.. but it's SO important to take those breaks.

      This break from my phone was unexpected and if I didn't lose it I wouldn't have taken time away- but it made me realize how much I NEED to remember to. I took these 3 weeks to start working out, read more, refocus and recharge myself so come back even stronger , I recommend it ❤️

      #workfromyourphone #imback #missedyou #socialmedia #instagram #onlinebusiness #refreshed #focused

      @justinaamurray more


        Today is my little sisters 15th birthday, her champagne year 🍾❤️

        To the funniest, most intelligent, beautiful little thinggg, Happy Birthday to you ❤️

        Wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for this one I swear.. so beyond grateful to have you as my little sister. You're the biggest stress and headache of my days … but I wouldn't have it any other way. I'd have no idea what my life would look like without you, you're my reason for everything I do.

        I love you to death Ri, can't believe you're already in your 2nd year of highschool and are growing up to be such an amazing human❤️ I hope you have an amazing year and all your wishes come true.

        Xoxooxox❤️💩🐀 @rileymurrayy #sisters
        @justinaamurray more

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        Today is my little sisters 15th birthday, her champagne year 🍾❤️

To the funniest, most intelligent, beautiful little thinggg, Happy Birthday to you ❤️

Wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for this one I swear.. so beyond grateful to have you as my little sister. You’re the biggest stress and headache of my days … but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’d have no idea what my life would look like without you, you’re my reason for everything I do.

I love you to death Ri, can’t believe you’re already in your 2nd year of highschool and are growing up to be such an amazing human❤️ I hope you have an amazing year and all your wishes come true.

Xoxooxox❤️💩🐀 @rileymurrayy #sisters<br> @justinaamurray
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        Today is my little sisters 15th birthday, her champagne year 🍾❤️

To the funniest, most intelligent, beautiful little thinggg, Happy Birthday to you ❤️

Wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for this one I swear.. so beyond grateful to have you as my little sister. You’re the biggest stress and headache of my days … but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’d have no idea what my life would look like without you, you’re my reason for everything I do.

I love you to death Ri, can’t believe you’re already in your 2nd year of highschool and are growing up to be such an amazing human❤️ I hope you have an amazing year and all your wishes come true.

Xoxooxox❤️💩🐀 @rileymurrayy #sisters<br> @justinaamurray